Facilities Assignment 1 - Unsignalized Intersection

For the first facilities assignment, we looked at an unsignalized intersection. As seen in the photo, there is a slight elevation at the pedestrian crossings. This simple feature helps to calm traffic, slowing down both cars and bikes alike. There also is no signalization. This includes yield, stop, or any other form of traffic control but not street signage. Billiards are also used to help protect pedestrians from cars while allowing bikes to filter through. 

To facilitate building a similar structure in the States, location is paramount. Residential areas will be the most logical places to install an unsignalized intersection. A location such are just north of campus, around 14th street would seem ideal. Given a tighter than normal car lane widths, vehicular traffic will be forced to slow down to cope with oncoming traffic. By using cars against themselves to slow everyone down, bikes and pedestrians are made safer as the slower cars will have more time to see and react to other people. 

This intersection displayed is a great example of how an unsignalized intersection could be laid out.